Marcin Murawski

Marcin Murawski


Tytuł i stopień naukowy, Uczelnia, rok uzyskania
profesor doktor habilitowany

Dyscyplina artystyczna/naukowa – kierunek
Sztuki muzyczne/ Instrumentalistyka


Zatrudnienie na Wydziale
Wydział Instrumentalistyki, Jazzu i Muzyki Estradowej                                                                                                                                                 fot. M. Zakrzewski

Prowadzone przedmioty
Literatura specjalistyczna





W 1998 ukończył z wyróżnieniem Akademię Muzyczną im. I.J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu w klasie altówki prof. Andrzeja Murawskiego. Edukację uzupełniał na podyplomowych studiach dziennikarstwa na Uniwersytecie im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, studiach podyplomowych w ramach stypendium Ministerstwa Kultury RP w Królewskiej Jutlandzkiej Akademii Muzycznej w Aarhus (Dania), w klasie altówki prof. Clausa Myrupa. W 2004 w Akademii Muzycznej w Katowicach uzyskał stopień doktora sztuk muzycznych. W 2012 w Akademii Muzycznej w Poznaniu uzyskał stopień doktora habilitowanego sztuk muzycznych. W lipcu 2020 uzyskał tytuł profesora, podpisany przez Prezydenta RP.

W latach 2006–2013 prowadził klasę altówki w Akademii Sztuki w Szczecinie (wcześniej szczecińska filia AM w Poznaniu), w latach 2005–2011 pracował w POSM II st. im. M. Karłowicza w Poznaniu. Wykładowca kursów mistrzowskich z altówki i z zakresu muzyki kameralnej na akademiach i uniwersytetach w Europie ( Grieg Academy w Bergen – Norwegia, Icelandic Academy of Arts w Reykjaviku – Islandia, Royal Irish Academy of Music w Dublinie – Irlandia, Academy of Music w Rydze – Łotwa, Narodowej Akademii Muzycznej we Lwowie – Ukraina, Estońskiej Akademii Muzyki i Teatru w Tallinie – Estonia, Narodowym Konserwatorium Muzycznym w Tbilisi – Gruzja, Państwowym Konserwatorium Muzycznym w Petersburgu – Rosja, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst w Wiedniu – Austria, Uniwersytecie Zachodnim w Timisoarze – Rumunia), w USA ( University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa, Lawrence University, University of Illinois, Ball State University, Luther College, Coe College), w Chinach (Państwowe Konserwatorium w Harbinie) oraz w Nowej Zelandii (Victoria University of Wellington). Juror konkursów krajowych, ekspert Centrum Edukacji Artystycznej, wychowawca wielu absolwentów – laureatów nagród i wyróżnień.

Laureat polskich i międzynarodowych konkursów, solowych i kameralnych, Grand Prix I Festiwalu Teatru Telewizji Polskiej i Polskiego Radia (Sopot 2002), nagroda na XIII Międzynarodowym Konkursie Kameralnym im G. i K. Bacewiczów (Łódź 1998), nagroda i wyróżnienie na VII Ogólnopolskim Konkursie Altówkowym im. J. Rakowskiego (Poznań 1993)

Działalność koncertową, zarówno solowo, kameralnie jak i z orkiestrami, prowadzi w wielu miastach Polski, a także za granicą – koncertując we Francji, Holandii, Włoszech, Belgii, Danii, Szwecji, Niemczech, Austrii, Ukrainie, Słowacji, w Czechach, Norwegii, Islandii, Estonii, na Litwie, na Łotwie, w Gruzji, w Rumunii, w USA ( w Carnegie Hall), Chinach oraz w Nowej Zelandii. Podczas 44 Międzynarodowego Kongresu Altówkowego w Wellington we wrześniu 2017 dwukrotnie wystąpił jako solista z orkiestrą, prowadził lekcje mistrzowskie, przedstawił wykład wraz z recitalem dotyczący formy passacaglii w literaturze na altówkę, dyrygował Massed Viola Orchestra podczas koncertu finałowego oraz wystąpił z recitalem muzyki polskiej. Podczas 45 Międzynarodowego Kongresu Altówkowego w Rotterdam w listopadzie 2018 wystąpił jako solista z orkiestrą, prowadził lekcje mistrzowskie, dyrygował Viola Orchestra podczas koncertu finałowego oraz przedstawił w premierowym pokazie film koncertowy „Graupner. For viola d’amore & more” w koprodukcji nowozelandzko-polskiej w reżyserii Anny Kochnowicz-Kann, którego był producentem.

Współpracuje z wytwórnią Acte Préalable, dla której obok kompozycji z minionych epok nagrywa utwory współczesne, w tym dedykowane specjalnie dla niego autorstwa amerykańskiego twórcy i altowiolisty Michaela Kimbera.

W przeszłości dziennikarz, redaktor, szef działu muzycznego „Dziewczyna i Chłopak” przy „Głosie Wielkopolskim” (1993-1998), dziennikarz Radio Merkury Poznań i Radio Winogrady Poznań (1995-1998), dziennikarz i redaktor Telewizji Polskiej i Telewizji Polonia (1995-1998, 2005-2006), autor scenariuszy filmowych.


Jest członkiem Zarządu International Viola Society (od 2020 pełni funkcję sekretarza wykonawczego), Australian and New Zealand Viola Society i Hummel Gesellschaft Weimar.


Wydawnictwa płytowe
Edward Swan Hennessy – Viola and piano works 1, Acte Préalable 2020
Giya Kancheli – Miniatures for viola and piano, Acte Préalable 2019
Adolphe Blanc – Work for viola and piano 1, Acte Préalable 2019
Graupner. For viola d’amore & more DVD, Acte Préalable 2018
Wojciech Gawroński – Works for viola and piano, Acte Préalable 2018
Michael Kimber – the best of Music for viola, Acte Préalable 2017
René de Boisdeffre – Works for viola and piano 1, Acte Préalable 2017
René de Boisdeffre – Works for viola and piano 2, Acte Préalable 2017
Michael Kimber – Music for viola 7, Acte Préalable 2017
Passacaglias, Acte Préalable 2016
Graupner – Vivaldi. Concerti for viola d’amore, guitar and viola, Acte Préalable 2016
Emile Pierre Ratez – Exhibition 2, Acte Préalable 2016
Emile Pierre Ratez – Exhibition 1, Acte Préalable 2016
Nocturnes. Beethoven-Chopin-Kalliwoda, Acte Préalable 2015
Michael Kimber – Music for viola 6, Acte Préalable 2015
Michael Kimber – Music for viola 5, Acte Préalable 2015
Michael Kimber – Music for viola 4, Acte Préalable 2014
Michael Kimber – Music for Viola(s) 3, Acte Préalable 2014
Michael Kimber – Music for Viola 2, Acte Préalable 2013
Michael Kimber – Music for Viola(s), Acte Préalable, 2013
Frederic Chopin Piano Concertos 1 & 2 Christophe Alvarez Orkiestra Nova, Ars Sonora, 2010
François Devienne – Six Duo Concertants pour Flute et Alto Op. 5, Acte Préalable, 2009
Johann Nepomuk Hummel – Potpourri op.94 – Works for viola, Acte Préalable, 2009
Roman Palester, Paul Kletzki, Acte Préalable, 2008
Roman Maciejewski, Akademia Muzyczna w Poznaniu, 2008
Kwartety fletowe W.A. Mozarta, Twoja Muza, 2007
Lemur duo, Lemur Records, 2004
Kot mi schudł, Radio Merkury Poznań, 2001
Antonio Vivaldi, SP, 1999
G.B. Pergolesi – Stabat Mater, Schola Cantorum Posnaniensis, 1998
Historye!ye!ye!, BMG records, 1997
Koncerty farne 3, Kościół Farny/Leo Records, 1995
Jewels of polish baroque, Dorian Discovery, 1995
Attack of Agutti, Lemur Records, 1995



Last name and first name
Marcin Murawski

Academic title and degree, institution, graduation year
full professor

full professor

Artistic/research discipline
instrumental studies


Employment at the Faculty

Courses taught
chamber music ensembles
literature of viola
methodology of learning the viola




(the most important concerts, publications, CDs, compositions)

Marcin Murawski was born on October 29, 1974 in Poznan, Poland. He studied viola at the Ignacy Jan Paderewski Music Academy in Poznan in the class of his father, professor Andrzej Murawski. He graduated with distinction from the Poznan Academy in 1998, and since 1997 he has been employed there, at present as professor of viola. He gained further education with, among others, prof. Konrad Haessler (Hannover, Germany) and prof. John Krakenberger (Madrid, Spain). In the academic year 2003–2004 he received a scholarship from the Danish Government for postgraduate studies in prof. Claus Myrup’s viola class at the Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus, Denmark. In 2004 he earned a doctorate in music from the Academy of Music in Katowice (Poland), and in 2012 he was awarded the habilitated doctor degree from the Academy of Music in Poznan. Murawski has given viola and chamber music masterclasses at academies and universities in Europe (Icelandic Academy of Arts Reykjavik – Iceland, Royal Irish Academy of Music Dublin – Ireland, Academy of Music in Riga – Latvia, Grieg Academy of Music in Bergen – Norway, Estonian Academy of Music and Theater in Tallinn – Estonia, National Academy of Music in Lviv – Ukraine, National Conservatory of Music in Tbilisi – Georgia to name a few, National Conservatory of Music in St. Petersburg – Russia, Faculty of Music of West University in Timisoara – Romania, Faculty of Music in Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna – Austria), and outside Europa in China (National Conservatory of Music in Harbin), in the United States (University of Iowa, Ball State University, University of Northern Iowa, Lawrence University, Illinois State University, Coe College, Luther College among others) and in New Zealand (Victoria University of Wellington during 44th International Viola Congress in 2017). He has also been a juror of national competitions and an expert for the Polish Artistic Education Center. His graduates are laureates of awards and prizes.

He has appeared as soloist with, among others, the Amadeus Chamber Orchestra of Polish Radio conducted by Agnieszka Duczmal, Koszalin Philharmonic Orchestra, Sinfonietta Polonia, and Kielce Philharmonic Orchestra. He has performed chamber music with, among others, the Agutti Quartet, Classic Ensemble of Poznan, and Tutti E Solo, and as orchestral violist he has played in the Hannover Kammerorchester, Pro Arte Novum, Sinfonietta Polonia, and the Poznan Chamber Orchestra. He has given concerts in France, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Iceland, Austria, Ireland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, New Zealand and the USA (in Carnegie Hall and elsewhere). Murawski has also performed solo recitals at the Polish Institute in Prague (Czech Republic), at Store Saal in Aarhus (Denmark), Universitet i Bergen – Griegakademiet (Norway), Ole Bulls Villa in Lysoen (Norway), Icelandic Academy of Arts in Reykjavik (Iceland), the Polish Cultural House in Dublin (Ireland), Opera in Lviv (Ukraine), National Conservatory in Tbilisi (Georgia), Estonian Academy of Music and Theater in Tallinn, to name a few outside Poland. During 44th International Viola Congress in Wellington, New Zealand he performed twice as soloist with Wellington Viola Congress Orchestra, gave lecture-recital about passacaglias in viola literature, taught on masterclasses, performed recital of polish music and conducted Massed Viola Orchestra during final concert, entitled „A tribute to Michael Kimber”.

Murawski has more than 30 cd and dvd albums in his discography. His discography includes an album of music recorded during concerts in the Fara Church in Poznan in July 1995 („Marcin Murawski & Hanna Buczkowska – Koncerty Farne III”). In April 1996, an album of masterpieces of Polish Baroque recorded for Dorian Discovery (Benigna Jaskulska & Tutti E Solo „Jewels Of Polish Baroque”), in which he made a guest appearance, was reviewed in The Washington Post and elsewhere. In March 1997, together with a chamber music ensemble, he recorded an album of G.B. Pergolesi’s Mass (Schola Cantorum Posnaniensis „G.B. Pergolesi – Stabat Mater”). In April 1997, as principal violist of the Szczecin chamber orchestra Academia, he recorded an album with the Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi (soloist: Henryk Tritt, violin). With the Sunday String Quartet he recorded music for the debut album of the music group Lizar (Lizar „Historye!ye!ye!” BMG). In 2007 an album of W.A. Mozart’s flute quartets, which he recorded together with Ewa Murawska (flute), Blanka Bednarz (violin) and Cheung Chau (cello), was released. In 2008 Acte Préalable released his next album – „Roman Palester, Paul Kletzki” (AP 181), which includes premiere recordings of the chamber works of these composers with the same musicians, and in April 2009 – his own family project with his sister, flutist Ewa Murawska – 6 Duos for flute and viola composed by F. Devienne, which began the series of flute and viola works recorded for Acte Préalable. In December 2009 Acte Préalable released his album of J.N. Hummel’s viola works with piano and orchestra, recorded with pianist Urszula Szyrynska and the Hummel Project Orchestra. In June 2013 Acte Préalable came out with the first in his newest series of CDs, compositions written by American violist Michael Kimber: „Michael Kimber – Works for Viola(s),” recorded with graduates from his viola class at the Academy of Art in Szczecin: Edyta Hedzielska, Justyna Kowalczyk and Aleksandra Bazan. In the same year he produced a second CD of Michael Kimber’s music entitled „Music for Viola 2,” recorded with Szczecin Concertino Orchestra (conductor: Marek Siwka). In 2014 another two albums of Kimber’s viola music were released: „Michael Kimber – Music for viola(s) 3” in June (featuring viola duets, trios and more) and „Michael Kimber – Music for viola 4” in October (featuring works for viola and orchestra only, including Variations on a Polish Folk Song „Ty pójdziesz góra” dedicated especially by the composer to Marcin Murawski). In 2015 another two CDs of Kimber’s music were released: „Michael Kimber – Music for viola 5” in April (featuring works for solo viola and for viola and marimba), and the sixth one in July (with a mixture of pieces for viola solo, viola quartet and orchestra), and in 2017 – „Music for viola 7” and „the best of Music for Viola” were released. August 2015 brought a CD recorded together with pianist Anna Starzec-Makandasis – „Nocturnes for viola and piano” – with masterpieces by L. van Beethoven, F. Chopin and J.W. Kalliwoda. In 2016 another two CDs were released with viola music of Emile Ratez (AP358, AP366), recorded together with pianist Hanna Holeksa, two cds with viola music of Rene de Boisdeffre (AP 401, AP402) with pianist Urszula Szyryńska in 2017, and „Wojciech Gawroński – Works for Viola and Piano” with Anna Starzec-Makandasis in 2018. In the same year a complete music-film dvd among five YouTube videos with Christoph Graupner music were released, in Polish-New Zealand coproduction together with prof. Donald Maurice „Graupner. For viola d’amore & more”. In 2019 two another cds were released, recorded together with georgian pianist Nino Jvania: album with works for viola and piano composed by Adolphe Blanc (AP458) and 18 Miniatures for viola and piano written by Georgian master Gyia Kancheli (AP460)

In 1996-2001 together with Bartosz Melosik he ran the Lemur Artistic Agency. In June 1997 he finished the School of Teaching at the Poznan Academy of Music and in June 1998 he graduated from the Postgraduate School of Journalism at the Adam Mickiewicz University School of Political Science and Journalism in Poznan. In June 2002 he was awarded a First Certificate in English of the University of Cambridge. Between 2005-2011 he worked as a viola teacher at the POSM Music School in Poznan. Since 2003 he has been a member of the International Viola Society and the German Viola Society (Deutsche Viola-Gesellschaft), and in 2008 he became the first Polish member of Hummel Gesellschaft Weimar. Murawski is a frequent guest at international music conferences, where he presents his own lectures. Between 2006-2010 he led the viola class at a branch of the Poznan Music Academy in Szczecin, and from 2010 to 2013 at the Academy of Art in Szczecin as professor of viola. In 2013 Murawski was awarded the Bronze Medal for Long Service from the president of Poland Bronislaw Komorowski, and a special prize from the principal of the I.J. Paderewski Academy of Music. Since 2017 member of Australian and New Zealand Viola Society.

Since January of 2020 Member of the Board of the International Viola Society.

Since July of 2020 Titular Professor, title awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland.

Since August of 2020 I.J. Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań Rector’s Plenipotentiary for International Cooperation.




– Edward Swan Hennessy – Works for viola and piano 1, Acte Préalable 2020
– Giya Kancheli – Miniatures for viola and piano, Acte Préalable 2019
– Adolphe Blanc – Work for viola and piano 1, Acte Préalable 2019
– Graupner. For viola d’amore & more DVD, Acte Préalable 2018
– Wojciech Gawroński – Works for viola and piano, Acte Préalable 2018
– Michael Kimber – the best of Music for viola, Acte Préalable 2017
– René de Boisdeffre – Works for viola and piano 1, Acte Préalable 2017
– René de Boisdeffre – Works for viola and piano 2, Acte Préalable 2017
– Michael Kimber – Music for viola 7, Acte Préalable 2017
– Passacaglias, Acte Préalable 2016
– Graupner – Vivaldi. Concerti for viola d’amore, guitar and viola, Acte Préalable 2016
– Emile Pierre Ratez – Exhibition 2, Acte Préalable 2016
– Emile Pierre Ratez – Exhibition 1, Acte Préalable 2016
– Nocturnes. Beethoven-Chopin-Kalliwoda, Acte Préalable 2015
– Michael Kimber – Music for viola 6, Acte Préalable 2015
– Michael Kimber – Music for viola 5, Acte Préalable 2015
– Michael Kimber – Music for viola 4, Acte Préalable 2014
– Michael Kimber – Music for Viola(s) 3, Acte Préalable 2014
– Michael Kimber – Music for Viola 2, Acte Préalable 2013
– Michael Kimber – Music for Viola(s), Acte Préalable, 2013
– Frederic Chopin Piano Concertos 1 & 2 Christophe Alvarez Orkiestra Nova, Ars Sonora, 2010
– François Devienne – Six Duo Concertants pour Flute et Alto Op. 5, Acte Préalable, 2009
– Johann Nepomuk Hummel – Potpourri op.94 – Works for viola, Acte Préalable, 2009
– Roman Palester, Paul Kletzki, Acte Préalable, 2008
Roman Maciejewski, Akademia Muzyczna w Poznaniu, 2008
– Kwartety fletowe W.A. Mozarta, Twoja Muza, 2007
– Lemur duo, Lemur Records, 2004
– Kot mi schudł, Radio Merkury Poznań, 2001
– Antonio Vivaldi, SP, 1999
– G.B. Pergolesi – Stabat Mater, Schola Cantorum Posnaniensis, 1998
– Historye!ye!ye!, BMG records, 1997
– Koncerty farne 3, Kościół Farny/Leo Records, 1995
– Jewels of polish baroque, Dorian Discovery, 1995
– Attack of Agutti, Lemur Records, 1995

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